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The Berkeley Institute for Young Americans produces research for policymakers, youth activists and advocates, and other community leaders. From longer reports, to policy briefs, to Fast Facts, find all the information you need here on a wide range of economic, political, and social issues that affect young adults.

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Berkeley News, June 2024 Millennials and Gen Z face risks unknown to any previous generation. The Berkeley Institute for Young Americans reports that, on the left, center and right, these voters want political action to address the challenges. Young voters from the millennial generation and Gen Z are emerging as...
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to share results from a survey that leveraged Cultural Theory to understand the relationship between generational values and political participation in recent U.S. elections. Specifically, this paper explores how generational values were associated with voter turnout in the 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022...
Abstract Evidence has been accumulating for years that Millennials and Gen Zers are coming of age in the 21st century with unique attitudes and outlooks that differ from older age cohorts, but less is known about the deeper value orientations that underlie their attitudes and outlooks. This study fills a...
Working Paper Series: In this mixed methods research project, we aim to understand how the Millennial and Gen Z generations are reacting to new risks that have evolved in American society in recent decades. We research how generational values shape risk perceptions, attitudes toward government and the social safety net,...
As California grapples with a projected budget deficit of $22.5 billion for the upcoming fiscal year, state lawmakers are under immense pressure to balance the budget. This financial strain is exacerbated by the rising costs of healthcare, housing, and education, along with the need for robust climate change mitigation and...
Code, publicly-available data, and figures for this post are available on this Github repository. Significant effort in the social sciences is spent on properly measuring economic well-being. Statistics covering income receive much of this attention, partly because the data underlying these statistics are easily accessible. However, income is an incomplete...
On average, presidential approval across generations is the lowest it has been in over a decade. Using cumulative data from the Cooperative Election Study (CES) we estimate retrospective evaluations of the economy across generational cohorts. We find that:
KQED Political Breakdown, April 2024 As part of KQED’s Youth Takeover, we hear from young voters about the issues they care about most ahead of a presidential election. From the war in Gaza to climate change, student debt and how they might vote in November. In addition to hearing from young...
With the economic downturn associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, optimism on the economy is the lowest it has been since the 2008 financial crisis. Using cumulative data from the Cooperative Election Study (CES) we estimate retrospective evaluations of the economy across generational cohorts. We find that:
2024 Election Vibe Check: Interviews with the Next Generation of Leaders in American Politics To better explore the state of youth voices in American politics as we enter the 2024 Election Year, BIFYA is publishing a series of interviews with members of GenZ who are running for office across the...